— Microblading ($400 - 2.5 hours procedure)
Microblding is a semi-permanent tattoo that creates hair-like strokes with the use of a manual pen containing very small needles. These needles implant pigment into the basal layer (bottom layer) of the epidermis. Microblading can last anywhere from 1 to 2 years.
Following 4-6 weeks touch up
$150 - 1.5-2 hours procedure
is required to ensure the skin has retained the pigment and/or to insert additional strokes for a fuller look.
Annual touch up
$250 - 2.5 hours procedure
We recommend that clients schedule a touch-up visit once a year to maintain the shape and ensure pigment retention.
— Microblading ($400 - 2.5 hours procedure)
Microblding is a semi-permanent tattoo that creates hair-like strokes with the use of a manual pen containing very small needles. These needles implant pigment into the basal layer (bottom layer) of the epidermis. Microblading can last anywhere from 1 to 2 years.
Following 4-6 weeks touch up
$150 - 1.5-2 hours procedure
is required to ensure the skin has retained the pigment and/or to insert additional strokes for a fuller look.
Annual touch up
$250 - 2.5 hours procedure
We recommend that clients schedule a touch-up visit once a year to maintain the shape and ensure pigment retention.
— Ombre eyebrows ($400 - 2.5 hours procedure)
Ombre brows are actually powder brows that have lighter heads and dark tails – a so-called ombre effect, popular in the beauty industry. Ombre eyebrows can last anywhere from 1 to 2 years.
Following 4-6 weeks touch up
$150 - 1.5 - 2 hours procedure
After clients eyebrows are completely healed following touch up is required to ensure the skin has retained the pigment and/or to correct the color if the pigment is not evenly laid down and/or a client asks to expand, lengthen the shape of the eyebrows, or asks for darker color. All of that can be fixed at the touch up appointment.
Annual touch up
$250 - 2.5 hours procedure
We recommend that clients schedule a touch-up visit once a year to maintain the shape and ensure pigment retention.
— Ombre eyebrows ($400 - 2.5 hours procedure)
Ombre brows are actually powder brows that have lighter heads and dark tails – a so-called ombre effect, popular in the beauty industry. Ombre eyebrows can last anywhere from 1 to 2 years.
Following 4-6 weeks touch up
$150 - 1.5 - 2 hours procedure
After clients eyebrows are completely healed following touch up is required to ensure the skin has retained the pigment and/or to correct the color if the pigment is not evenly laid down and/or a client asks to expand, lengthen the shape of the eyebrows, or asks for darker color. All of that can be fixed at the touch up appointment.
Annual touch up
$250 - 2.5 hours procedure
We recommend that clients schedule a touch-up visit once a year to maintain the shape and ensure pigment retention.
— Powder eyebrows ($400 - 2.5 hours procedure)
Powder brows are done with a machine that inserts PMU pigments into the top layers of the skin using the dotting technique, or pixelization. Powder eyebrows can last anywhere from 1 to 2 years.
Following 4-6 weeks touch up
$150 - 1.5 - 2 hours procedure
After clients eyebrows are completely healed following touch up is required to ensure the skin has retained the pigment and/or to correct the color if the pigment is not evenly laid down and/or a client asks to expand, lengthen the shape of the eyebrows, or asks for darker color. All of that can be fixed at the touch up appointment.
Annual touch up
$250 - 2.5 hours procedure
We recommend that clients schedule a touch-up visit once a year to maintain the shape and ensure pigment retention.
— Powder eyebrows ($400 - 2.5 hours procedure)
Powder brows are done with a machine that inserts PMU pigments into the top layers of the skin using the dotting technique, or pixelization. Powder eyebrows can last anywhere from 1 to 2 years.
Following 4-6 weeks touch up
$150 - 1.5 - 2 hours procedure
After clients eyebrows are completely healed following touch up is required to ensure the skin has retained the pigment and/or to correct the color if the pigment is not evenly laid down and/or a client asks to expand, lengthen the shape of the eyebrows, or asks for darker color. All of that can be fixed at the touch up appointment.
Annual touch up
$250 - 2.5 hours procedure
We recommend that clients schedule a touch-up visit once a year to maintain the shape and ensure pigment retention.
— Combo eyebrows ($450 - 2.5-3 hours procedure)
Combo eyebrows - combine powder brows and microblading. Combo eyebrows can last anywhere from 1 to 2 years.
Following 4-6 weeks touch up
$200 - 1.5 - 2 hours procedure
After clients eyebrows are completely healed following touch up is required to ensure the skin has retained the pigment and/or to insert additional for a fuller look and/or to correct the color if the pigment is not evenly laid down and/or a client asks to expand, lengthen the shape of the eyebrows, or asks for darker color. All of that can be fixed at the touch up appointment.
Annual touch up
$300 - 2.5 hours procedure
We recommend that clients schedule a touch-up visit once a year to maintain the shape and ensure pigment retention.
— Combo eyebrows ($450 - 2.5-3 hours procedure)
Combo eyebrows - combine powder brows and microblading. Combo eyebrows can last anywhere from 1 to 2 years.
Following 4-6 weeks touch up
$200 - 1.5 - 2 hours procedure
After clients eyebrows are completely healed following touch up is required to ensure the skin has retained the pigment and/or to insert additional for a fuller look and/or to correct the color if the pigment is not evenly laid down and/or a client asks to expand, lengthen the shape of the eyebrows, or asks for darker color. All of that can be fixed at the touch up appointment.
Annual touch up
$300 - 2.5 hours procedure
We recommend that clients schedule a touch-up visit once a year to maintain the shape and ensure pigment retention.
— Permanent cosmetics Pre-Procedure and Post-Procedure instraction
All permanent cosmetic procedures are multi-session processes. You are required to come back for at least one touch-up visit before it can be determined that your work is complete. Touch-up visits are scheduled at 4-6 week intervals or longer.
Be prepared for the color intensity of your procedure to be significantly sharper, brighter, or darker than what is expected for the final outcome. It will take time for this transition and is based upon how quickly the outer layer of your skin exfoliates.
While these tattooed colors may initially simulate the exact color and tone desired, they will not always remain a perfect match. Tattooed colors are constant, while your own skin color will vary depending on exposure to cold, heat, sun and circulatory changes. For example, if you tan your skin and had a scar camouflaged, your surrounding skin will be darker in appearance than the treated area.
- Since delicate skin or sensitive areas may swell slightly or redden, some clients feel it best not to make any social plans for a day or two following any procedure. It is always best to avoid these procedures within months prior to important life events such as weddings. Procedures may take longer than expected to be completed under some circumstances.
- Wear your normal makeup and bring your lip color or brow pencils to the office on the day of the procedure.
- Any tweezing or waxing should be done at least 48 hours prior to the procedure; electrolysis no less than five days before. Do not resume any method of hair removal for at least two weeks.
- Any eyelash or eyebrow tinting or eyelash curling should be done no sooner than 48 hours before, or two weeks after the procedure.
- Do not wear contact lenses during or immediately following the eyeliner procedure. Remember to bring your glasses. You may resume wearing your contact lenses as soon as your eyes return to their pre-tattooed condition.
- Following the eyeliner procedures, as a safety precaution, we recommend that you have someone available to accompany you or drive you home.
- If you are having lip procedures and have any history of cold sores/fever blisters/herpes simplex, you will be required to contact your physician to obtain the proper prescription to prevent such outbreaks.
- Refrain from the use of alcohol, aspirin, aspirin-containing medications, ibuprofen, or other blood-thinning medications for seven days before and two days after any procedure. Refrain from judgment-altering drugs for at least 24 hours prior to any procedure. No medication should ever be discontinued without first consulting your physician.
- A skin test is offered upon request.
Practitioner makes no attempt to, or claim to, practice medicine. Some Individuals will have complications related to permanent make up application. These complications are usually mild and last only a few days. However, extreme complications are always a possibility. If you are healthy and there are no visible reason restriction you from receiving a tattoo, you must approve of the design and color before the application of your permanent makeup.
Post- Procedure
- Expect slight swelling, thickness, and redness for 1-2 days following the procedure. Keep the treated area lightly glossed with Vaseline for 7 days. Wash with cold water and pat dry.
- Use a very thin amount of petroleum for aftercare and blot off excess with a clean tissue for 7 days.
- Keep area clean, but do not wash with soap for 3 days. By the 4th day you may clean the area using a very gentle soap (Dove) do not rub area vigorously when washing your face for at least 10 days.
- Do not try to remove the excess color with soap. This color will flake and fade to a beautiful, natural color if left undisturbed.
Keep area away from water for 24 hours.
Keep moist with Vaseline.
- DO NOT use any Retin - A or Glycolic Acid while healing
- DO NOT use Peroxide or Neosporin on any areas.
- DO NOT scrub or pick at the treated areas
- DO NOT expose area to sun or tanning beds
- DO NOT do any facials, swimming, spa for at least 5 days.
- DO NOT dye or tweeze eyebrows for one week before and after procedure
No Exercise or sweating for 24 hoursÂ
The client shall consult a health care practitioner at the first sign of infection or an allergic reaction, and report any diagnosed infection, allergic reaction, or adverse reaction resulting from the tattoo to the artist and to the Texas Department of State Health Services, Drugs and Medical Devices Group, at 1-888-839-6676.
— Permanent cosmetics Pre-Procedure and Post-Procedure instraction
All permanent cosmetic procedures are multi-session processes. You are required to come back for at least one touch-up visit before it can be determined that your work is complete. Touch-up visits are scheduled at 4-6 week intervals or longer.
Be prepared for the color intensity of your procedure to be significantly sharper, brighter, or darker than what is expected for the final outcome. It will take time for this transition and is based upon how quickly the outer layer of your skin exfoliates.
While these tattooed colors may initially simulate the exact color and tone desired, they will not always remain a perfect match. Tattooed colors are constant, while your own skin color will vary depending on exposure to cold, heat, sun and circulatory changes. For example, if you tan your skin and had a scar camouflaged, your surrounding skin will be darker in appearance than the treated area.
- Since delicate skin or sensitive areas may swell slightly or redden, some clients feel it best not to make any social plans for a day or two following any procedure. It is always best to avoid these procedures within months prior to important life events such as weddings. Procedures may take longer than expected to be completed under some circumstances.
- Wear your normal makeup and bring your lip color or brow pencils to the office on the day of the procedure.
- Any tweezing or waxing should be done at least 48 hours prior to the procedure; electrolysis no less than five days before. Do not resume any method of hair removal for at least two weeks.
- Any eyelash or eyebrow tinting or eyelash curling should be done no sooner than 48 hours before, or two weeks after the procedure.
- Do not wear contact lenses during or immediately following the eyeliner procedure. Remember to bring your glasses. You may resume wearing your contact lenses as soon as your eyes return to their pre-tattooed condition.
- Following the eyeliner procedures, as a safety precaution, we recommend that you have someone available to accompany you or drive you home.
- If you are having lip procedures and have any history of cold sores/fever blisters/herpes simplex, you will be required to contact your physician to obtain the proper prescription to prevent such outbreaks.
- Refrain from the use of alcohol, aspirin, aspirin-containing medications, ibuprofen, or other blood-thinning medications for seven days before and two days after any procedure. Refrain from judgment-altering drugs for at least 24 hours prior to any procedure. No medication should ever be discontinued without first consulting your physician.
- A skin test is offered upon request.
Practitioner makes no attempt to, or claim to, practice medicine. Some Individuals will have complications related to permanent make up application. These complications are usually mild and last only a few days. However, extreme complications are always a possibility. If you are healthy and there are no visible reason restriction you from receiving a tattoo, you must approve of the design and color before the application of your permanent makeup.
Post- Procedure
- Expect slight swelling, thickness, and redness for 1-2 days following the procedure. Keep the treated area lightly glossed with Vaseline for 7 days. Wash with cold water and pat dry.
- Use a very thin amount of petroleum for aftercare and blot off excess with a clean tissue for 7 days.
- Keep area clean, but do not wash with soap for 3 days. By the 4th day you may clean the area using a very gentle soap (Dove) do not rub area vigorously when washing your face for at least 10 days.
- Do not try to remove the excess color with soap. This color will flake and fade to a beautiful, natural color if left undisturbed.
Keep area away from water for 24 hours.
Keep moist with Vaseline.
- DO NOT use any Retin - A or Glycolic Acid while healing
- DO NOT use Peroxide or Neosporin on any areas.
- DO NOT scrub or pick at the treated areas
- DO NOT expose area to sun or tanning beds
- DO NOT do any facials, swimming, spa for at least 5 days.
- DO NOT dye or tweeze eyebrows for one week before and after procedure
No Exercise or sweating for 24 hoursÂ
The client shall consult a health care practitioner at the first sign of infection or an allergic reaction, and report any diagnosed infection, allergic reaction, or adverse reaction resulting from the tattoo to the artist and to the Texas Department of State Health Services, Drugs and Medical Devices Group, at 1-888-839-6676.
— So. Let’s talk...

Olena Mordaunt
8611 Louetta Rd, studio 128
Spring, TX, 77379
— So. Let’s talk...